Services & Sermons

Our Recent Services by Audio

Click on the relevant service below to access the one you would like to listen to. Our 9.30am service from St Margaret’s is recorded each week.

CHRIST, WHOSE GLORY FILLS THE SKIES, Christ, the true, the only light, Sun of righteousness, arise, Triumph o'er the shades of night: Dayspring from on high, be near. Daystar in…
COME DOWN, O LOVE DIVINE, Seek Thou this soul of mine And visit it with Thine own ardour glowing. O Comforter, draw near, Within my heart appear, And kindle it,…
LO, HE COMES WITH CLOUDS DESCENDING, Once for favoured sinners slain. Thousand thousand saints attending Swell the triumph of His train: Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! God appears on earth to reign.…
LORD, THE LIGHT OF YOUR LOVE is shining, In the midst of the darkness, shining. Jesus, Light of the world, shine upon us, Set us free by the truth You…
CHRIST TRIUMPHANT, ever reigning, Saviour, Master, King, Lord of heaven, our lives sustaining, Hear us as we sing:   Yours the glory and the crown,   The high renown, the…
O WORSHIP THE LORD in the beauty of holiness, Bow down before Him, His glory proclaim. With gold of obedience and incense of lowliness, Kneel and adore Him; the Lord…
DEAR LORD AND FATHER OF MANKIND, Forgive our foolish ways. Re clothe us in our rightful mind. In purer lives Thy service find, In deeper reverence, praise. (x2) In simple…
GOD IS WORKING HIS PURPOSE OUT, As year succeeds to year. God is working His purpose out, And the time is drawing near. Nearer and nearer draws the time, The…
GLORIOUS THINGS OF THEE ARE SPOKEN, Zion, city of our God! He whose word cannot be broken Formed thee for His own abode. On the Rock of Ages founded, What…
THERE IS A REDEEMER, Jesus, God’s own Son, Precious Lamb of God, Messiah, Holy One.  Thank You, O my Father,  For giving us Your Son,  And leaving Your Spirit—  Till…
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Parish Office
Holy Trinity Church Hall

Church Road, Penn, HP10 8NY
01494 813254

 [email protected]

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Holy Trinity Church, Church Road, Penn, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire  HP10 8NU

St Margaret’s Church, Hammersley Lane,  High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire  HP10 8EG


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