Weekly News


10 November  Remembrance Sunday

8am-   Holy Trinity: BCP Holy Communion

9.30am – St Margaret’s:  Holy Communion with acts of Remembrance at the War Memorial at the end of the service with the laying of wreaths

10.50am –  Holy Trinity :  Holy Communion.  The service will start at the War Memorial (opposite the Crown) with the reading of the Roll, the laying of wreaths and the Two Minutes silence.  There will then be a procession back into church for the service to continue

Readings:   Jonah 3.1-5, 10; Hebrews 9.24-end; Mark 1.14-20


 Verse of the Week

Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment,  so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.  Hebrews 9.27-28











Collect for Remembrance Sunday

Almighty Father, whose will is to restore all things in your beloved Son, the King of all: govern the hearts and minds of those in authority, and bring the families of the nations, divided and torn apart by the ravages of sin, to be subject to his just and gentle rule; who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.  Amen


Daily Bible Readings for the Week


Thursday 07 November     Willibrord of York  Dan 3.1-18   Rev 3.1-13

Friday 08 November    The Saints and Martyrs of England    Dan 3.19-end       Rev 3.14-end

Saturday 09 November    Margery Kempe, Mystic   Dan 4.1-1     Rev ch 4

Monday 11 November  Martin , Bishop of Tours  Dan 4.19-end, Rev ch 5

Tuesday 12 November Dan 5.1-12    Rev Ch 6

Wednesday 13 November Charles Simeon, Priest Evangelical Divine   Dan 5.13-end    Rev 7.1-4, 9-end

Thursday 14 November  Dan ch 6   Rev ch 8

Friday 15 November  Dan 7.1-14      Rev 9.1-12

Saturday 16 November Margaret, Queen of Scotland, Philanthropist, Roformer of the Church  Dan 7.15-end           Rev 9.13-end

Prayers at Home    

We have a daily Morning Prayer service sheet for those in isolation who might like a time of structured prayer. Click to link

To access the Church of England’s Daily Prayer services (morning, evening and night) please  Click to link


If you sense yourself becoming isolated or are feeling particularly lonely, do make sure you do not suffer alone but contact friends or family.  They may not be able to visit, but you will feel better for having spoken.  Equally, if you know of others who may be in this position, please do make contact to see if you can help.  Ask people how they are and wait for an answer.

A prayer for our Benefice

“Almighty God we thank you that you are leading our benefice into a new season of our shared life together.  We pray for our Ministry Team; for Samuel our Vicar, and for Graham, Mary, Linnea and David as together they lead us in worship and prayer.

We pray for our Churchwardens: David, Kathryn  Paul and Nico.   Be with them and our PCCs as they serve you faithfully by supporting our Churches.

We pray also for ourselves, asking that you will be with us in our lives in such a way that our communities of Penn and Tylers Green may see a glimpse of your love made known to us through your son, Jesus Christ.  Amen”




Please click here for latest Parish Magazine

Note from the Vicar:

Remembrance is one of those occasions which people either really appreciate, or find somewhat difficult to wrap their heads around.  However you feel about the day, may I invite you to take the opportunity to use this weekend to prayerfully reflect on the state of the world at the present moment.  Reflecting on all which troubles us, whether here locally, nationally, or globally, let us ask the Lord of Peace to step into each and every situation as King.  Let us remember that He is no stranger to our difficulties or the harsh realities of the world but has embraced those pains in His own body on the cross, that there He may conquer even the power of death, the power of evil, the sting of sin and the scars of shame; bringing about a victory which offers forgiveness, redemption, healing and a sense of hope that no matter how dark the dark may be it shall never quench the light of the World.

We pray for those who experience violence.  We remember those who find themselves caught up in gangs and criminality.  We remember those who behind closed doors are mistreated by those who should love them.  We remember those who spend time away from their families to keep others safe.  We remember those injured in the pursuit of peace.  We remember those in positions of power and ask that God will give them His grace and wisdom in all their decisions.

And we give thanks for all those who follow Christ’s example of love in making the ultimate sacrifice; laying down their lives that their families, communities and even nations may live lives of freedom.

Let us live freely, holding on to hope which we have in Jesus and inviting those in dark times to step into our Churches to glimpse the light of faith offered to all who encounter the presence of God’s love in His Son.

As ever, feel free to contact me on [email protected]



Operation Christmas Child Samaritan’s Purse  We are again supporting this charity’s efforts in providing a shoebox gift to children in challenging parts of the world who would not otherwise receive any Christmas gifts.  Boxes need to be in Church by 17 November.  There are some leaflets in the porch of each church or alternatively, please click here to take you direct to the Charity’s website for further information and the chance to do an online box instead if preferred.

Our Dementia Support Group will meet again in the Sanctuary on Thursday 21 November at 2.30pm You will be most welcome.  Many thanks.  – Revd. Graham.  Click here for more details

 St. Margaret’s Tygre Club:   Crafternoon ’24  Saturday 30 November 2.30-4pm in the Sanctuary.  Crafts, snacks and games for the 3-9s (TYGRE) and 10-15s (XSTREAM).  Please click here to take you to events and a sign-up sheet

TYGRE We are in Church at the start of the 9.30am service and then cross to The Sanctuary during the first hymn for singing, a Bible story and craft activities. There is also a selection of toys available. Please note, we run on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th (if applicable) Sundays of the month.

Christmas Tree Festival, 7-8 December Holy Trinity 2-5.00pm and Sunday 08 December; 2pm – 4.30pm    If you wish to enter a tree please click here for an entry form    All proceeds raised will go to the Limbless Association (https//: www.limbless-association.org) 

Christmas Jumper Service: Holy Trinity Church will follow on immediately after the close of the Tree Festival, estimated start time 4.30pm.  During this service the winning tree will be announced.  Please wear your Christmas jumper and be ready to join in some favourite Christmas music!  Refreshments will be on hand.

Details of our Christmas Services can be found by clicking here

SAFEGUARDING:  There are safeguarding officers attached to both churches.  Contact details can be found in the porches.



Sunday 17 November  Second Sunday before Advent

8 am:           Holy Trinity:      BCP Holy Communion

9.30 am:     St Margaret’s:    Morning Worship

11.00 am:           Holy Trinity:       Holy Communion

11.30 am:  St Margaret’s:  Baptism







Our Facebook Page

We have a Facebook page at www.facebook.com/HolyTrinityandStMargarets (Click on the Facebook logo) where events will be published.  Please visit and ‘Like’ us.”

Contact Us

Parish Office
Holy Trinity Church Hall

Church Road, Penn, HP10 8NY
01494 813254

 [email protected]

Find Us

Holy Trinity Church, Church Road, Penn, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire  HP10 8NU

St Margaret’s Church, Hammersley Lane,  High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire  HP10 8EG


Safeguarding policy for the parishes of Holy Trinity, Penn and St Margaret’s, Tylers Green

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