Weekly News


28 July  The Ninth Sunday after Trinity

8am-   Holy Trinity: BCP Holy Communion

9.30 –  St Margaret’s: Holy Communion

11.00 am – Holy Trinity:  Holy Communion

Readings:  2 Samuel 11.1-15;  Ephesians 3.14 to end;  John 6.1-21


 Verse of the Week

 “I pray that you may have the power to comprehend, with all the saints, what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.”
– Ephesians 3.18-19












Collect for Ninth Sunday after Trinity

Almighty God, who sent your Holy Spirit to be the life and light of your Church: open our hearts to the riches of your grace, that we may bring forth the fruit of the Spirit in love and joy and peace; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.


Daily Bible Readings for the Week

Friday 26 July            1 Samuel 17.31-54               Luke 24.13-35

Saturday 27 July       1 Samuel 17.55-18.16         Luke 24.36-end

Monday 29 July         1 Samuel 19.1-18                Acts 1 1-14

Tuesday 30 July         1 Samuel 20.18-end           Acts 1.15-end

Wednesday 31 July    1 Samuel 20.18-end          Acts 2.1-21

Thursday 01 August  1 Samuel  21,1-22.5         Acts 2,22-36

Friday 02 August        1 Samuel 22.6-end          Acts 2.37-end

Saturday 03 August   1 Samuel ch 23                 Acts 3.1-10

Prayers at Home    

We have a daily Morning Prayer service sheet for those in isolation who might like a time of structured prayer. Click to link

To access the Church of England’s Daily Prayer services (morning, evening and night) please  Click to link


If you sense yourself becoming isolated or are feeling particularly lonely, do make sure you do not suffer alone but contact friends or family.  They may not be able to visit, but you will feel better for having spoken.  Equally, if you know of others who may be in this position, please do make contact to see if you can help.  Ask people how they are and wait for an answer.

A prayer for our Benefice

“Almighty God we thank you that you are leading our benefice into a new season of our shared life together.  We pray for our Ministry Team; for Samuel our Vicar, and for Graham, Mary, Linnea and David as together they lead us in worship and prayer.

We pray for our Churchwardens: David, Kathryn  Paul and Nico.   Be with them and our PCCs as they serve you faithfully by supporting our Churches.

We pray also for ourselves, asking that you will be with us in our lives in such a way that our communities of Penn and Tylers Green may see a glimpse of your love made known to us through your son, Jesus Christ.  Amen”




Please click here for latest Parish Magazine

Whilst the office is closed we shall try and maintain a reduced version of the emailed Newsletter with relevant information. Please do get into the habit of referring to the Benefice Website www.holytrinityandstmargarets.co.uk for information on events and other services.

Out of respect for people’s privacy we are not publishing details for prayer requests online where their personal information could be seen by anyone around the world. We shall share prayer requests during the intercessions and trust that you will be praying for those issues of which you are aware.

Thank you for your patience and I’m happy to receive any feedback on vicar@holytrinityandstmargarets.co.uk

Intercessory Prayer – Booklets  On Monday 22 July  we held a training session reflecting together on how we prepare and lead the Intercessions during our services. This was a very positive session but a number of people had indicated that they couldn’t come. If you would have liked to attend but were unable to please let Samuel know and we can explore putting on another session later in the Summer/Autumn.

At that training Samuel produced a booklet of reflections on intercessory prayer. Please keep an eye out for some of these being made available at the back of Church, and if you’d like a copy please let us know and we can arrange a copy for you.

 Dates for your diaries: –

Midweek Communion Please note that the day and time of the week this service has now changed to Wednesday at Noon.  It will continue to alternate between the two churches.  The next service at this revised time will be Wednesday  07 August at Holy Trinity

Our Dementia Support Group will meet again in the Sanctuary on Thursday 01 August at 2.30pm You will be most welcome.  Many thanks.  – Revd. Graham.  Click here for more details

Exploring the Apostles Creed    From Wednesday the 31 July each week through to 28  August you are warmly invited to come and join us for a course which shall be ‘exploring the Apostle’s Creed’. Was it the Apostles who wrote it? What are the biblical ideas which it is summarising? On the floor of the entrance to St Margaret’s the stone reads “Creedo”; “I believe”. Let us reflect together on what – and who – we believe in.  Location: The Sanctuary, St Margaret’s Parish Rooms  Time: 7:30 pm

St. Margaret’s Tygre Club:  We are in Church at the start of the 9.30am service and then cross to The Sanctuary during the first hymn for singing, a Bible story and craft activities. There is also a selection of toys available. Please note, we run on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th (if applicable) Sundays of the month.

Pets Service Sunday 25 August 3pm at Holy Trinity followed by refreshements for all.  Please bring your pets – dogs, cats, chickens, snakes (whatever you can control!) along for a service of music and prayers plus a blessing. If you want any more information please contact Mary Lee

Bury Lodge at Knotty Green warmly welcomes you to their Community Cafe on the last Monday of each month (next one on 29 July) between 2pm-4pm: “everyone is welcome to join us, connecting with our delightful residents and sharing enjoyable moments over a cup of tea or coffee.”   If you wish to find out more please either email Bury Lodge on burylodge@bmcare.co.uk or telephone them on 01494 418466.  Please click here for some addtional details

Heritage Weekend – 07 and 08 September at Holy Trinity Church.  Details to follow

SAFEGUARDING:  There are safeguarding officers attached to both churches.  Contact details can be found in the porches.



Sunday 04 August The Tenth Sunday after Trinity

8am           Holy Trinity:      BCP Holy Communion

9.30 am   St Margaret’s:     Holy Communion

11am          Holy Trinity:      Holy Communion

11.15  am    St Margaret’s     Baptisms


Our Facebook Page

We have a Facebook page at www.facebook.com/HolyTrinityandStMargarets (Click on the Facebook logo) where events will be published.  Please visit and ‘Like’ us.”

Contact Us

Parish Office
Holy Trinity Church Hall

Church Road, Penn, HP10 8NY
01494 813254


Find Us

Holy Trinity Church, Church Road, Penn, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire  HP10 8NU

St Margaret’s Church, Hammersley Lane,  High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire  HP10 8EG


Safeguarding policy for the parishes of Holy Trinity, Penn and St Margaret’s, Tylers Green

Social Media Safeguarding policy


GDPR Privacy Notice – St Margaret’s

GDPR Privacy Notice – Holy Trinity



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