Sunday Audio Service – Epiphany 2 – Holy Communion 16/1/22

Sunday Audio Service – Epiphany 2 – Holy Communion 16/1/22

Passage: Isaiah 62: 1-5, 1 Corinthians 12: 1-11, John 2: 1-11
Service Type:


Tender and true;

Out of the heart of the Father above,

Streaming to me and to you:

Wonderful love

Dwells in the heart of the Father above.


Jesus, the Saviour, this gospel to tell,

Joyfully came;

Came with the helpless and hopeless to dwell,

Sharing their sorrow and shame;

Seeking the lost,

Saving, redeeming at measureless cost.


Jesus is seeking the wanderers yet;

Why do they roam?

Love only waits to forgive and forget;

Home, weary wanderer, home!

Wonderful love

Dwells in the heart of the Father above.


Come to my heart, O Thou wonderful love,

Come and abide,

Lifting my life, till it rises above

Envy and falsehood and pride,

Seeking to be

Lowly and humble, a learner of Thee.

Robert Walmsley


Bind us together

With cords that cannot be broken.

Bind us together, Lord,

Bind us together,

Bind us together with love.


There is only one God,

There is only one King;

There is only one Body,

That is why we sing:


Made for the glory of God,

Purchased by His precious Son;

Born with the right to be clean,

For Jesus the victory has won.


You are the family of God,

You are the promise divine;

You are God’s chosen desire,

You are the glorious new wine.

Bob Gillman


Dear Lord, to me,

As Thou didst break the bread

Beside the sea;

Beyond the sacred page

I seek Thee, Lord;

My spirit longs for Thee,

Thou Living Word.


Thou art the Bread of Life,

O Lord, to me,

Thy holy Word the truth

That saveth me;

Give me to eat and live

With Thee above;

Teach me to love Thy truth,

For Thou art love.


O send Thy Spirit, Lord,

Now unto me,

That He may touch my eyes

And make me see;

Show me the truth concealed

Within Thy Word,

And in Thy Book revealed,

I see Thee, Lord.


Bless Thou the Bread of Life

To me, to me,

As Thou didst bless the loaves

By Galilee;

Then shall all bondage cease,

All fetters fall,

And I shall find my peace,

My all in all.

  Mary A. Lathbury.& Alexander Groves


AND CAN IT BE that I should gain

An interest in the Saviour’s blood?

Died He for me, who caused His pain?

For me, who Him to death pursued?

Amazing love! how can it be

That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me?


’Tis mystery all! The Immortal dies:

Who can explore His strange design?

In vain the first-born seraph tries

To sound the depths of love divine!

’Tis mercy all! let earth adore,

Let angel minds inquire no more.


He left His Father’s throne above,

So free, so infinite His grace;

Emptied Himself of all but love,

And bled for Adam’s helpless race.

‘Tis mercy all, immense and free;

For, O my God, it found out me.


Long my imprisoned spirit lay

Fast bound in sin and nature’s night;

Thine eye diffused a quickening ray,

I woke, the dungeon flamed with light;

My chains fell off, my heart was free;

I rose, went forth, and followed Thee.


No condemnation now I dread;

Jesus, and all in Him, is mine!

Alive in Him, my living Head,

And clothed in righteousness divine,

Bold I approach the eternal throne,

And claim the crown, through Christ my own.

         Charles Wesley.
Contributors:   Revd Graham Summers, David Carter, Deborah Yeates, Roger Edwards, Sally Clements, Sue Wallace
Production:   David Carter

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