Sunday Audio Service – Trinity 16 – Morning Worship – 15/9/24

Sunday Audio Service – Trinity 16 – Morning Worship – 15/9/24

Passage: Isaiah 44:24-45:8, Revelation 12: 1-12, Psalm 119: 105-120
Service Type:


In a believer’s ear!
It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds,
And drives away his fear.

It makes the wounded spirit whole,
And calms the troubled breast.
’Tis manna to the hungry soul,
And to the weary, rest.

Dear name, the rock on which I build,
My shield and hiding place,
My never-failing treasury, filled
With boundless stores of grace!

Jesus! My Shepherd, Saviour, Friend,
My Prophet, Priest and King,
My Lord, my Life, my Way, my End,
Accept the praise I bring.

Weak is the effort of my heart,
And cold my warmest thought.
But when I see Thee as Thou art,
I’ll praise Thee as I ought.

Till then I would Thy love proclaim
With every fleeting breath.
And may the music of Thy name
Refresh my soul in death.
John Newton.

All glorious above.
O gratefully sing
His power and His love:
Our Shield and Defender,
The Ancient of Days,
Pavilioned in splendour
And girded with praise.

O tell of His might,
O sing of His grace,
Whose robe is the light,
Whose canopy space.
His chariots of wrath
The deep thunder-clouds form,
And dark is His path
On the wings of the storm.

The earth, with its store
Of wonders untold,
Almighty, Thy power
Hath founded of old.
Hath ’stablished it fast,
By a changeless decree,
And round it hath cast,
Like a mantle, the sea.

Thy bountiful care
What tongue can recite?
It breathes in the air,
It shines in the light.
It streams from the hills,
It descends to the plain,
And sweetly distils
In the dew and the rain.

Frail children of dust,
And feeble as frail,
In Thee do we trust,
Nor find Thee to fail.
Thy mercies how tender,
How firm to the end,
Our Maker, Defender,
Redeemer, and Friend!
Robert Grant.

Contributors:   Mary Lee, Deborah Yeates, Roy Bentham, Roger and Christine Edwards, Sylvia Bentham, Alison Bright
Production:   David Carter
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