Services & Sermons

Our Recent Services by Audio

Click on the relevant service below to access the one you would like to listen to. Our 9.30am service from St Margaret’s is recorded each week.

I, THE LORD OF SEA AND SKY, I have heard My people cry. All who dwell in dark and sin. My hand will save. I, who made the stars of…
JUST AS I AM, without one plea But that Thy blood was shed for me, And that Thou bid’st me come to Thee, O Lamb of God, I come. Just…

AS WITH GLADNESS men of old Did the guiding star behold. As with joy they hailed its light, Leading onward, beaming bright, So, most gracious God, may we Evermore be…

Hymns taken from the Bethlehem Carol Sheet Contributors:   David Carter, Deborah Yeates, Sally Clements, Alison Peters Production:   David Carter

Hymns taken from the Bethlehem Carol Sheet Contributors:   David Carter, Deborah Yeates, Sylvia Bentham, Roy Bentham, Sally Clements, Alison Peters Production:   David Carter
Carols taken from the Bethlehem Carol Sheet Contributors:   Revd Canon Chris Bull, Kathryn Grudgings Production:   David Carter
Hymns chosen from the Bethlehem Carol Sheet Contributors: David Carter, David Winder, Peter Nelson Production:   David Carter
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Parish Office
Holy Trinity Church Hall

Church Road, Penn, HP10 8NY
01494 813254

 [email protected]

Find Us

Holy Trinity Church, Church Road, Penn, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire  HP10 8NU

St Margaret’s Church, Hammersley Lane,  High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire  HP10 8EG


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